Updated: October 7, 2024



All procedures and policies subject to change


Fans can expect an action-packed experience with daytime programming featuring special guests, panel discussions, cosplay and trivia competitions, photo ops, autograph signing sessions, merchandise and more!


You can order your tickets online through this website. ALL TICKETS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE AND NON-EXCHANGEABLE and prices are subject to change at any time, so please order as early as possible. Tickets are limited and sold on a first-come, first-served basis. We will also sell admission, photo op and autograph tickets at the convention, if not sold out.

Be sure of which day a guest is doing photo ops/autographs before purchasing your admission pass. You must have an admission pass (single day or full convention) for the day of your autograph or photo op in order to redeem your ticket. Admission passes are required for all special events unless otherwise specified.

Admission passes and a la carte autograph/photo op/concert/special event tickets are delivered to you via email in PDF format which you must print out and bring with you to the convention. THESE ARE YOUR TICKETS, so there is no need to exchange them for physical tickets at registration, unless specified. Most customers should receive their PDFs within 3-5 business days of having placed their order. 

We are not responsible for orders that are rejected during processing: On rare occasion, an error may occur during the ordering process that can require the order to be resubmitted. This can include: Incomplete form submission, credit card failures, or system errors during transmission of the order. 

Lost or misplaced items: We are not responsible for lost or misplaced items. We cannot replace a la carte Autograph or Photo Op tickets that are purchased at the convention, so PLEASE make sure your PDFs and hard tickets are kept in a safe place. 

STATE TAXES INCLUDED ON YOUR INVOICE: As a result of the Supreme Court Ruling during 2018 affecting online sales taxes (both state and local taxes), various states are requiring sales tax (both state and local taxes) on ANY online sales; therefore, you may now start seeing a separate charge on your invoice for this sales tax. The prices at the conventions will be the same as those on-line.


The Convention Packages are admission passes that allow you access for the full convention. Gold, Silver and Copper Packages, as well as the Preferred Single-Day pass, are all reserved seating that you choose yourself from our website. The General Admission Convention Package and GA Single-Day Passes are not reserved seats, but you are guaranteed a seat in the General Admission section of main theatre. With your Single-Day Admission Pass, you’ll be able to see the guest panels and daytime events for the SPECIFIC DAY you choose to attend.


Your ONE photo op ticket includes an 8x10 glossy full color photo of yourself with the guest and can include up to TWO fans (1 photo op tix = 2 fans in one photo). TWO photo op tickets can include up to FOUR fans in a photo (2 photo op tix = 4 fans in one photo). We cannot, however, accommodate over FOUR fans in any one photo op. Personal photography is NOT ALLOWED at any autograph or photo op session. Photo prints and jpegs of your photo ops may be used for personal use only. Photo Op tickets DO NOT include admission passes to the convention and are NEVER INCLUDED IN ANY CONVENTION PACKAGES. You must have an admission pass for the convention on the day of your photo ops session (unless the guest has changed days). Please do not ask for exceptions to this rule.


Most guest will sign almost any item you bring from home or you can buy an item at the convention, but you need to have an item for the guest to sign. There will be tons of great photographs of some of the actors as well as other collectibles available at the convention that are perfect for signing. 

Personalizations are at the discretion of the actor and may be determined by scheduling or other issues. Inappropriate items, body parts or items that are deemed offensive will not be allowed to be signed at the autograph table. If you want any type of clothing items to be signed, they may not be worn on a person, including shoes which must be new and unworn. 

For those guests selling autographs directly to fans in the vendors room, check at the guest’s table for details, times and prices.

A la carte Autograph tickets DO NOT include admission passes to the convention. You must have an admission pass for the convention on the day of your autograph session to redeem the a la carte autograph ticket(s). (unless the guest has changed days). Please do not ask for exceptions to this rule.


We cannot verify or guarantee admission passes or ticket purchases that are not made directly from Creation Entertainment. If you purchase tickets from a fan or other seller, it might not be legitimate. As we cannot be held responsible for second-hand sales, the first person using the PDF is considered the owner of the admission pass or autograph/photo op ticket. If you have purchased a fraudulent ticket, it will not be honored. Once you receive your PDF, do not leave it where others can make copies. Please be careful. Anyone buying or selling fraudulent tickets will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


We will follow all local and state health department guidelines for COVID-19 to ensure a healthy and safe environment for everyone.

Disease and Illness Disclaimer: By using your admission pass, you represent and warrant that you will not enter the venue or participate in the Event in person if (a) you are aware, as of the date of the Event, that you have contracted and not completely recovered from COVID-19 or another communicable disease; (b) you are aware, as of the date of the Event, that you have been exposed within the prior two weeks to someone who had contracted or was subsequently determined to have contracted, COVID-19 or another communicable disease; (c) you have been tested for COVID-19 or another communicable disease but not yet received the results of such test; or (d) you have symptoms consistent with having contracted COVID-19 or another communicable disease. You also represent and warrant that, during the course of the Event, you will comply with all applicable regulations and guidelines imposed by CE and any Event venue regarding COVID-19 and any other communicable disease, which may, if required by mandate, include verification of vaccination, wearing masks, a daily symptom check, temperature checks, and/or COVID testing.
You represent that should you fail any applicable screening test or do not comply with COVID-19 safety protocols that you will leave the event venue, and furthermore, you agree that you will not be due a refund of your Event ticket and CE will not be responsible for any consequential damages as a result of your expulsion.


All guests and scheduling are tentative and subject to change. Creation Entertainment does not advertise any talent without written permission from the talent or their representation. 
ALL GUESTS are contracted to appear and all convention contracts specify that appearances are tentative and subject to change as film and television work demands take precedence as well as a personal conflict. Our events will take place whether a specific guest cancels or not and therefore we cannot issue admission pass refunds if a particular guest is not able to attend. If a guest must cancel their appearance at the convention, Creation Entertainment is not responsible for any refunds other than the a la carte specific-to-the-guest autograph or photo op tickets as another guest will be booked as a replacement. Also, in the extremely rare chance that an actor does not finish his or her autographs or photo ops, we will only be responsible for the refund of the a la carte autograph or photo op ticket if not redeemed. We will refund or issue a credit voucher only for a la carte photo ops and autograph tickets for a specific actor if they cancel. 
Please do not come for just one actor. Our events are a celebration of the series and multiple actors from the show attend. If we have a cancelation, we will do our best to book a replacement or we will provide our patrons with a pre-signed photo of the actor not in attendance if the canceled actor was signing for our top-tiered weekend package.

CREDIT VOUCHERS FOR CANCELLED GUESTS: If a guest cancels, we will issue credit vouchers on-site at the convention for their photo ops, a la carte autograph and/or special event tickets (if applicable). These credit vouchers can be used as value towards any remaining photo op, autograph tickets and/or special events, as well as for Creation merchandise and/or photos on sale at Creation’s photo table at the convention. The credit vouchers are ONLY valid during the convention and are NOT TRANSFERRABLE to other conventions.    

FOR REFUNDS FOR CANCELLED GUESTS: If you do not use your credit voucher or have a remaining balance on the voucher and you would like to receive a refund, please send your Voucher and the Invoice Number (the invoice emailed to you, with the number ending in "-IN") which pertains to photo op, autograph and/or special event purchase(s) WITHIN ONE MONTH of the close of the convention to: Creation Entertainment, 217 S. Kenwood St., Glendale, CA 91205, Attn: REFUNDS/[SHOW]. Please note that you cannot email us your PDFs after the show. Credit Vouchers must be obtained AT the convention. Refunds take 6-8 weeks.  


We know that taking photos makes the convention even more fun. In the main theatre, photo taking is encouraged but only from your seat. It is unfair to run up to the stage and block the view of others who have paid for reserved seats in front of you. Even if there are empty seats, patrons must sit in the seats they paid for to be fair to everyone. Due to Fire Marshall regulations, everyone must be seated during performances. Please also be courteous to your neighbors when taking pictures. PHOTO TAKING, HOWEVER, IS NOT ALLOWED DURING AUTOGRAPHING SESSIONS NOR DURING PHOTO OPS.
Flashes from phone and cameras occur often during stage presentations: If you are sensitive to such lighting please be advised to take the necessary precautions. For our attendees, please keep flash photography to a minimum.
Audio or video capture for personal use is allowed except in certain circumstances: Photography and audio or video capture are for personal use only - public dissemination and commercial use strictly prohibited. LIVE STREAMING, HOWEVER, IS NOT ALLOWED AT ANY TIME. If there is a time where we cannot allow audio or video capturing of the Q&As, we will advise in advance. AUDIO/VIDEO CAPTURING IS NOT ALLOWED DURING AUTOGRAPHS, PHOTO OPS AND MEET & GREETS. 
By attending Creation events, you agree to allow your image to be used on our website and in news documentaries or stories, either filmed by Creation Entertainment or other entities.


This convention is intended for adults. On stage appearances by our guests may include off-color or inappropriate humor and profanity. Children are welcome if accompanied by an adult who is aware of the potential content. The views and opinions expressed by any talent or participant at, or during the convention are those of the authors and/or the persons appearing on stage, and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Creation Entertainment, LLC or any of their affiliated parties.


Creation works with the hotel venue to offer special group rates for our attendees. Check our hotel page for the details to book your accommodations.
Please know that many of the headliners who appear onstage on Sunday usually do so towards the later part of the day. Autograph signings can run into the evening until 9:00PM-10:00PM. For those traveling from out of town, we suggest staying over until Monday in order to get your autographs and the full convention experience.
Creation is also not be held responsible for any financial loss associated with the purchase of air tickets or hotel rooms that are not canceled. We highly recommend you purchase travel insurance for any unforeseen issues.


Harassment at events: Creation Entertainment has the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason, without prior notice, especially those who interfere with the safety and well-being of other patrons, staff, actors, Creation and the establishment itself. Creation does not tolerate any forms of harassment or bullying at its events, including verbal abuse to any of the staff and/or attendees, and if necessary the offending person will be escorted from the premises without a refund. The company’s complete policy is stated on each schedule of events that is handed out at each convention. If you witness bad behavior at an event, immediately notify the contact listed on the rules page of your printed schedule and there is Creation staff present at all times. We cannot do anything about complaints that come after the event is over.
Team Members: We are so grateful and fortunate to have the support of our Team Members, whose continued efforts and dedication help make our conventions possible. They are available to assist you with any questions you may have about convention events and activities, however if you have an issue, please ask to speak to Management on-site.  Check your schedule rules page to see which manager is on-site at your specific event. If you would like to submit an application to be considered as a Team Member, please visit our Jobs/Team Members section of our website by clicking here.
Alcoholic beverages at the convention: At most of our events, we do not allow alcohol to be present in our function rooms, including the main theatre. This includes daily panel events, meet & greets and any night events. Water stations will be available in the room. We reserve the right to perform bag checks at any time. We reserve the right to deny entrance into any of the events to anyone who appears intoxicated. If there is an instance of alcoholic beverages sold, your ID will be checked by the bartender and any underage customers will not be served any alcoholic beverages. Creation is not responsible for the alcohol consumption of others.
Weapons policy: Please do not bring any weapons to the show. If you are using a prop weapon for a photo op or as part of the cosplay contest, please bring it to registration to get tagged. After your photo op or cosplay contest is over, please do not have your prop weapon on the convention floor at any time. Prop weapons without tags will not be allowed at any time.
ADA Rules on Service Animals: This event welcomes service animals as per ADA rules. Service animals perform valuable work or tasks and are trained to provide help directly related to a person's disability. Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA and therefore are not permitted at our event. 
Raffles/Fundraising: Unsanctioned raffles and fundraisers are not allowed at Creation events.
Please do not bring latex balloons of any sort to any of our events: We have had attendees with latex allergies and bursting balloons can be hazardous to people at short range. 
Medical emergencies: If you have a medical emergency and you do not have a caretaker with you, hotel security or 911 will be called to assist you.  
Creation assumes no responsibility for typographical errors or inaccurate information provided by convention venues. All dates, venues and guests are considered tentative and subject to change. Join our email list for updates. 


ANY problem you have please write to us at: customer.service@creationent.com. Customer service hours are Monday-Friday, 9:00am-4:30pm Pacific time. If you have an issue over the weekend pertaining to a show that is happening that same weekend, please go in-person to the convention registration desk for assistance. Requests sent to Customer Service over the weekend may not be received until the Monday after the convention is over.


Thanks to our fellow fans, we’ve loved bringing the stars direct to their audiences for over 50 years! Join the celebration and be part of the unforgettable Creation family. 

Unlike so many other fan conventions, Creation Entertainment has a strict company policy not to "oversell" our conventions. In other words, every patron, no matter what bracket of ticket they purchase, will have a seat in the main auditorium where the major guests appear and events take place. 

Creation Entertainment has the right to refuse service to anyone who interferes with the safety and well-being of other patrons, staff, actors, Creation Entertainment and the establishment itself. This includes, but is not limited to, harassment of any kind both in advance and/or at a particular event, illegal activity, unreasonable rowdiness, patrons lacking adequate hygiene and inconsideration to others. Refusal of service shall never be based on race or color, National origin or citizenship status, religion or creed, sex, age, disability, pregnancy or genetic information, Veteran or Military status, marital status, sexual orientation or gender identity, medical condition (excluding infectious diseases), political affiliations or activities, or status as a victim of domestic violence, assault or stalking.