Unlike so many other genre conventions, Creation Entertainment has a strict company policy not to "oversell" our conventions. In other words, every patron, no matter what bracket of ticket they purchase, will have a seat in the main auditorium where the major guests appear and events take place. Nothing upsets us more than hearing about other conventions that sell tickets to patrons and then those very same patrons have to wait on additional lines inside the facility to get into (or sometimes not!) the main theatre. An important Creation Entertainment difference we want you to know about!
The Creation difference extends to our 40 years experience in running fan conventions. In the last few years we've seen promoter after promoter fail taking hard earned ticket money down with them. Inexperienced promoters, often first-timers, use celebrity images and names to get ticket money which they use to hopefully pay their expenses. When that fails they've already gone through "your" ticket money and they collapse leaving no recourse for ticket holders. They say "buyer beware" but this has happened in Twilight, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, and Firefly fandom (to name just a few) and we really feel for those great fans who have lost their ticket money and upset travel plans.
**All Convention tickets have a $7.75 shipping/handling fee charged per ticket ordered. This applies to all online, phone, fax and mail orders.
***Attention Attendees: Do not purchase Creation Tickets from scalpers or anyone trying to offer tickets as you arrive at our convention locations. Each ticket is checked for authenticity at the door with a scanner and we can not let you in if your ticket is counterfeit (which has happened recently). Each ticket once scanned makes any and all copies of that same one of a kind scan void and we can only let the first person in with it. Please ony buy your tickets only from Creation in advance or at the door, we seen too many nice folks lose their hard earned money this way and be turned away. Thanks, we appreciate your support!
To volunteer for any Creation show please submit an application and send to our volunteer coordinator. PLEASE NOTE: You must be 21 years old or over to volunteer.
We really appreciate your help in publicizing this event on-line. Grab our banners to put on your site!
Click Here!
ALL GUESTS are contracted to appear and all convention contracts specify that appearances are tentative and subject to change as film and television work demands take precedence as can a personal conflict. Our events will take place whether a specific guest cancels or not (we always try to book replacements) and therefore we can not issue admission ticket or ticket package refunds if a particular guest does not fulfill their appearance contract. Of course we will always refund separately purchased photo ops and autograph tickets for a guest if they cancel.
We know that taking photos makes the convention even more fun and we thought it would be a good idea to share our photo taking policies for you before you arrive at the convention so you can prepare. In the auditorium, photo taking is encouraged, but only from your seat. It is unfair to run up to the stage and block the view of others who have paid for reserved seats in front of you. Even if there are empty seats, patrons must sit in the seats they paid for to be fair to everyone. Due to fire marshall regulations everyone must be seated during performances. Please also be courteous to your neighbors when taking pictures. Photo taking is not allowed during autographing sessions nor during the photo ops. Only those people who have autograph tickets may come up to get autographs. At the Gold Exclusive Parties and Breakfast: photo taking is encouraged when the guests arrive (but only from your seats). After a sufficient time for all to get their photos we ask that your cameras be placed down so the celebrities can enjoy their time at the two food functions. Thank you for understanding the need to have these few rules so everyone is safe and has fun.
The vast majority of our guest celebrities take questions from the audience during their on-stage time. Therefore it is incumbent upon those that ask questions to make them ones that allow our mutual shared time with the celebrities to be enjoyable, interesting and entertaining for all (including the guest). Asking for hugs, telling stars we love them (we all do, that's why we're here), giving gifts, getting into long personal stories, or worse, is not acceptable for this format and, in fact, is quite self-centered when you are in essence "representing" all of fandom to a celebrity. Join us in trying to make this convention the best entertainment for everyone!
In the event of convention cancellations or date changes Creation Entertainment is not responsible for patrons' costs involving travel or hotel accommodations or any other non convention ticket expenses.
Advance ticket sales are generally turned off early to mid-week of the week of the events. Tickets, if they are not sold out, are sold at the convention of course.
Here's a pic of the legendary sci-fi author/genius Isaac Asimov, a frequent visitor to our early conventions and quite a character as well! It is amazing that we got to work with him after reading so many of his books.
Comic book and entertainment fans owe much to the legendary JACK KIRBY, the revered talent who co-created the Marvel mythology and made many early appearances with us, among his most devoted followers. Although his passing never allowed Jack to see the amazing success of his characters in film we do know that his appearances at conventions always brought down the house!
It is always great when we can personally thank a performer for an absolutely beautifully done job and that was just the treat when John Noble appeared in Feb of 2013 wrapping up his epic FRINGE series, one of our all-time favorite shows!
The beautiful and talented Alfre Woodard graced her stages to reminisce about her appearance in Star Trek as Lily in the movie Star Trek: First Contact, but of course she is best known for being an Academy Award and Grammy nominated actress as well as having an incredible 17 Emmy nominations (winning four).
Our Vegas Star Trek Convention is ALWAYS full of surprises! Sir Patrick Stewart joins William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy in this once in a lifetime moment! We're glad we were there!
In 2006, space pioneers, astronauts Wally Schirra and Alan Bean, guested at Grand Slam: it was an honor!
Photo Credit: David Livingston
Three of the most popular actors on the planet graced our stages along with their The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn director: Bill Condon, Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner helped us make history at an official fan gathering done in conjunction with the press junket and in association with Summit Entertainment.
Our first convention program in 1971, ticket prices were $1.50 a day and our special guest was legendary comic artist superstar Jim Steranko!
We even had time to publish 6 issues of a popular comic art fanzine called Infinity when we were teenagers. Back in the days before the internet, printed fanzines and conventions helped keep fandom connected.
When we ran The Official STAR WARS Convention we brought in Gene Roddenberry as a surprise and this moment in time was a true highlight. Gene was a great mentor of ours and he is always in our thoughts, especially when we gather for our Official STAR TREK Conventions.
LOST was one of the great TV series of all-time and we were proud to be an official licensee for the show. Here three of the stars, Ian Somerhalder, Evangeline Lilly and Naveen Andrews, grace our stages in a Creation Convention appearance.
Two of our most popular celebrity guests from the Stargate franchise making their only Creation appearance together on stage: Michael Shanks and Amanda Tapping! We love following their careers post Stargate and look forward to enjoying their work for years to come!
How's this for cool? Arnold as THE Terminator at our Official T-2 Convention, an awesome occasion!
A VERY special moment in Creation History
BILL SHATNER & LEONARD NIMOY toasting the 40th Anniversary of Star Trek on the exact day, 4 decades later, that the original series began its TV run! Taken in Chicago at Creation's Salute to Star Trek's 40th! Thanks, Bill and Leonard for being such a big part of Creation Entertainment! Who would have thought that as kids that watched classic Trek, that one day we'd be working with these show biz legends!
History is made again at Creation when LEONARD NIMOY passes the ceremonial "#1 Vulcan" tee-shirt to the new Mr. Spock ZACHARY QUINTO. It all happened in front of the audience at Grand Slam XVI. Creation Conventions: it is ALL about making wonderful memories like this!
Superstar Legend Jack Nicholson made the "Creation" scene, a definite ultra-cool moment in our 40 plus year history!
Growing up watching THE AVENGERS was a particular joy so when Patrick Macnee joined the Creation line-up of stars it was a joyous occasion for us and his many fans!
It's never happened before or after but it was another of our proudest moments: having four STAR TREK Captains share the stage. Let's hope we can pull it off again some day and add a few more?
Long-time Creation friend (and early fan attendee turned superstar producer) DEAN DEVLIN brought along friends Hank Azaria and Harry Shearer to one of our shows. Dean is currently behind one of TV's greatest shows LEVERAGE!
The impeccable Ricardo Montalban created Star Trek's most popular villian as Khan but in person he truly was one of a kind and his two appearances for us were definitely amongst the most memorable! He is sorely missed by all Trekkers and was indeed a Hollywood classic himself!
Gracious and supportive to us as ever William Shatner made sure first time Creation guest star Joan Collins (in her only convention appearance) was comfortable on stage, reunited decades after their ultra-popular classic Trek appearance together!
As promised, a seat for all! Here's a scene of the amazing theatre we used for years for our Las Vegas Star Trek Convention. At Creation shows: no waiting and worrying about seeing the stars!
Pretty Cool we'd say to have welcomed the ultra talented Elijah Wood as Creation promoted several Official LORD OF THE RINGS events. We can't wait to do it all again for the new films!
Here's some shots of Leonard Nimoy's last convention appearance (courtesy of Paul Harvath), taken at our Chicago 2011 Official STAR TREK Convention. Thank You Leonard for your three decade association with Creation: we've loved every minute of presenting you to your adoring fans (of which we number ourselves!):
Leonard Nimoy's emotional farewell to Star Trek Conventions: 2011 Chicago
These guys are HILARIOUS on stage together and we love having them at our events: true superstars of the genre: Jonathan Frakes (now busy directing) and Brent Spiner!

Schedule Now Posted!
(Click for details...)
Online tickets have been taken off sale.
Now tickets listed as available on this website can be purchased at the door.
Be sure of which day a guest is doing photo ops/autographs
before purchasing your admission tickets.
Please note that tickets are delivered to you via e-mail in PDF format which you should print out and bring with you to convention registration. Most customers receive their PDF tickets within 3 business days of having placed their order.
THE Official XENA Convention:
The 20th Anniversary Celebration
BURBANK, CA (Los Angeles Area)
Friday, Saturday & Sunday
February 20-22, 2015
Burbank Marriott Convention Center
2500 N. Hollywood Way
Burbank, California 91505
The Official XENA Convention: Celebrating The 20th Anniversary at this, the absolute FINAL Official Convention
Over the past two decades, the epic journeys of Xena and Gabrielle have stood the test of time and become part of pop culture history, and, more important, our social culture, putting a new face on television and placing strong women heroes as stars of major television shows and films. Xena fandom has, and will continue to be, a lasting force for good and countless friendships that will last and flourish for a lifetime. It is with all these great memories that we join together for one more time to celebrate the 20th Anniversary. There will be no “votes” to continue as all agree that this is the way to go out: on the 20th! Make your plans now to be with us as Xena fans make their own personal journeys complete by coming from around the globe to join this once-in-a-lifetime celebration of the series and its stars that has meant so much to us. We’ll go all out to provide attendees with three days filled with wonderful celebrities, special events, and fond looks back at what made the fandom and the conventions themselves such memorable events. We’re back at the beautiful BURBANK MARRIOTT CONVENTION CENTER, the place it all began so many years ago, and the fully-renovated hotel is in the center of LA’s historic sites and sounds: extend your stay and make it into a full-scale holiday trip!

LUCY LAWLESS: The internationally iconic character of Xena made Lucy a superstar and a true fan favorite. It has been our honor to have been working with this amazingly gifted performer for so many years, including producing her musical concerts in the US and London which was a major highlight of our career. It is a pleasure to present her at the very final Official Xena Convention.
Lucy has graciously agreed to appear on Saturday and will be doing autographs and photo ops (including tentatively some nice surprises in terms of duo shots).
RENEE O'CONNOR (Gabrielle) An incredibly gifted entertainer, Renee can really do it all and her fans have embraced her many projects since Xena that have taken her into independent filmmaking, including directing and public speaking, as well as continuing to act.
Appearing Saturday

Hudson Leick
Hudson’s singular spirituality always adds to these conventions and here’s your chance to experience her one last time on stage. Hudson will appear on stage Friday for the entire audience. She will also participate in our Sunday Breakfast as well as do her yoga class on Friday and Dance Workshop on Saturday. These workshops will be priced at $119 and last two hours. Her autograph will not be part of any ticket package and must be purchased separately.

Danielle makes her long awaited return to the convention as we wrap up our Xena events. Appearing Saturday.

Throughout the years of Xena Conventions, Claire has always been one of the audiences, (and ours!) favorites, so it is a pleasure to welcome her back in our finale gathering. Appearing Saturday.

Steven L. Sears
One of fandom’s and our convention’s most ardent supporters, Steve has always been a true pleasure for us and all Xena fans to know. He makes himself quite available to the attendees and along with appearing on stage Friday he is often seen at the convention chatting and meeting new fans.

Adrienne Wilkinson
Appearing on stage Sunday. Adrienne has spent the years after Xena doing a series of at least 40 different projects including voice over work on many of the Star Wars video games. Adrienne will be signing autographs on a complimentary basis for our Gold and Silver Patrons, others will be able to purchase her autograph for a nominal fee.

After portraying Brunnhilda on Xena, Brittney has gone on to be part of numerous television series and other projects. She has become one of our most popular convention guests and she will be appearing on stage Saturday. Brittney will be signing autographs on a complimentary basis for our Gold and Silver Weekend Patrons, others will be able to purchase her autograph for a nominal fee.

David’s work as Brutus on four Xena episodes has made him well known to Xena fans worldwide. His starring role in Farscape for 25 episodes only added to his genre popularity. Since then he has been in a series of varied television productions and is always a popular presence at our annual Xena Convention. Appearing on stage Friday, David will also return on Saturday and Sunday to meet more fans and do additional autographs and photo ops.

Appearing Sunday on stage, Paris will also do autographs and photo ops Sunday and participate in our Sunday exclusive to gold patrons breakfast.

Appearing on stage Sunday.
Musetta will have a table in the vendors room (on Sunday and possibly other days too) where she will meet fans and sign autographs for a nominal fee.

Lao Ma in Xena, Jacqueline has more recently made appearances in Threshold, The West Wing, ER, Star Trek Generations, and other series and films.
Appearing Friday on stage and doing autographs and photo ops that day as well. Jacqueline will also be performing with her band during her Q&A session on stage.

Cyanne of Xena
“Sarge” of Cleopatra 2525, Shalimar Fox of Mutant X, Victoria has continued to work on TV shows over the years and is one of our most requested guests.
We’re happy to welcome her one last time at our last Xena event to honor all the great times she’s given our audience over the decades! Appearing Sunday, tentatively, Victoria will tentatively also take part in our exclusive to GOLD PATRONS Sunday morning breakfast.

Writer of the popular Xena episode When Fates Collide, Katherine has since gone on to executive produce and write ARMY WIVES and the films NEW YEAR’S EVE, THE PRINCE AND ME I and II, and others. She is also a great inspirational speaker!
Attending Saturday.

The gorgeous Jennifer has brought her talents to countless New Zealand productions on television, film and theatre making her one of that nation’s most beloved actresses. Americans know her as Zahra and Boadicea of Xena: Warrior Princess. We’ll never forget the two-person show that Jennifer did with husband Michael Hurst some years back at our cabaret: they really brought the house down and showed us how amazingly versatile and talented they are.
We are thrilled that Jennifer is with us on Sunday, especially since her New Zealand schedule is always rightfully maxed out. They really have to plan to be with us way in advance because of the demand for their work in their native nation.

Famed to worldwide audiences because of his work as Iolaus on 79 episodes of Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, Michael also played this role on three episodes of Xena as well as Charon on two episodes, while also directing 6 episodes of Xena and 6 of Hercules and 2 of Jack of All Trades. Further he directed 7 episodes of Rob Tapert’s and Lucy’s Spartacus: War of the Damned and 7 episodes of Rob’s Legend of the Seeker. Of course he has continued his career as one of New Zealand’s most popular performers, and in all our years of doing conventions we’ve never found anyone who can really do it all quite like Michael and his beautiful wife Jennifer Ward-Lealand who is also joining us. What a joy to have them both back to America for this special finale show and we might add that Michael and Jennifer are so cool to work with and so nice to their American fans
We couldn’t do it without them, they are truly awesome talents! Appearing Sunday tentatively.

Appearing Friday
January 30. 2015: We’ve been advised that Tsianina Joelson has to be out of the country during our convention and is unable to attend. Those that have purchased separate Tsianina autograph tickets or photo ops please bring those to the convention registration where you will be given a voucher that is good for any other tickets or merchandise from Creation. Or, if you prefer, you can send those vouchers to Creation, 217 So. Kenwood, Glendale, CA 91205 Attention Ed within one month of the convention to get a refund. For those in Gold packages we will be giving you a pre-signed photo of a Xena celebrity instead of Tsianina Joelson’s autographs. These will be given at registration. Other changes include Jacqueline Kim moving to Friday and performing with her band as part of her on stage appearance, and Adrienne Wilkinson will now appear on Sunday.

"NO HOLDS BARD" starring Michael Hurst
Michael Hurst presents an adventure in the Shakespearean afterlife, an outrageous and at times profound view into one actor's attempt at self-destruction. Tights, schizophrenia and blank verse.
Described by critics as exhilarating, brilliant, deranged, hilarious and soulful, this is a comic tour de force not be to be missed.
"A breath of fresh Shakespeare air and a comedic head-bashing all in one!" -Edinburgh Spotlight
"No Holds Bard is incredibly riveting and utterly entertaining; a breathtakingly visionary and deeply emotional theatrical masterpiece." -Broadway Baby
“He was really good” -Jennifer Ward-Lealand
Check out all the reviews at noholdsbard.co.nz This presentation, scheduled for Saturday Night, is a full on theatrical piece, cameras and videotaping are not allowed. It will take the place of the previously announced Xena Cabaret Show. We do ask that once the play begins you remain seated until the end of the performance. Thank you and enjoy!
This special event is complimentary for Gold and Silver Patrons (you keep the same seat you had during the daytimes). For all others, general admission tickets are $50 each and available in advance or at the door.
Available tickets will be on sale at the convention.
Friday Morning from 9am to 11am
Please bring a towel, water, and be in loose clothing.
Class is suitable for everyone, even beginners. Hudson Leick is a member of the California Yoga Teacher's Association. She has been studying yoga for over sixteen years and taught for more than thirteen, and has done her teacher's training with renowned yoga masters such as Ana Forrest, Erich Schiffman and Gurmukh. Hudson specializes in Kundalini, Hatha, and a modified version of Ashtanga yoga, and her classes are a subtle blend of these methods. She has also studied Vipassana meditation in Nepal, and the 5Rhythms® based on the teachings of Gabrielle Roth.
$119 limited to 60 participants.
Available tickets will be on sale at the convention.
Hudson Leick returns for a second year with her new "free form dance" workshop for Saturday described as such: The practice of 5Rhythms dancing which is often described as moving meditation, was created in the late 1960s by Gabrielle Roth, who distinguished five rhythms common to all humans....
When she combined these rhythms together, Gabrielle Roth discovered they can liberate the creative spirit inside each of us, regardless of our body type, age, or ability. There are no specific steps to learn, no choreography to memorize, and, most importantly, no way to do it wrong.
In dancing the 5Rhythms, Gabrielle said, "They initiate us back into the wisdom of our bodies and unleash movement's dynamic healing power."
Available tickets will be on sale at the convention.
Come to enjoy fellow fans, come to sing, come to laugh, come to party! As an extra treat for all of our great attendees Creation Entertainment is happy to present this special FREE EVENT for all on Friday night! You never know who might show up and it is a great way to mix and mingle! Exact times and locations will be announced, but start practicing your number now!
The famous Creation Entertainment Costume Parade Competition is always a highlight of the convention. Set for Saturday here is your chance to show off your creative abilities by dressing as any character or making up your own. The winner goes home with a $250 gift certificate but we have prizes for everyone who enters! YOUR LAST CHANCE TO SHINE IN FRONT OF FELLOW XENA CONVENTION GOERS: SO LET’S GO OUT IN STYLE!
Another way that fans can show off their love of the shows we're honoring is by entering our famous themed CENTERPIECE CONTEST! This event takes place at our DISCO AND COCKTAIL PARTY (Saturday Evening) and is for Gold Members attending the event this weekend! Create the very best centerpiece that touches the hearts of our judges and the themes of the convention and you might just win a special $250 Gift Certificate! Just be "GOLD" and bring your entry to the party and that's all it takes to enter! CELEBRITY DROP-INS to the party will be announced in the days to come!
Rules: one music video about XENA may be submitted on DVD only (please no computer-based media like CD accepted). PLEASE USE ONLY NTSC FORMAT FOR YOUR DVD. Entries are judged on the following criteria: video quality, audio quality, editing quality, inventiveness, song selection, and originality. Humorous submissions are encouraged. Entries can not be returned, and person submitting entry is granting Creation the right to play this entry in perpetuity at Creation events worldwide and/or online at the Creation website(s). Creation does not sell music videos so your entry will never be sold as a commercial product, just presented at our events/online.
Winners will receive a $100 gift certificate good for Creation Merchandise (Creation merchandise only, excludes convention, autograph and photo-op tickets). Winners will be announced and certificates awarded on site. Please tell us which specific convention the music video is for and send In your video using order confirmation or signature required in order to know if it has arrived. We do not announce winners until the event. Thanks and good luck!
Note: Due to the high volume of entries for our Music Video Contests, we are forced to limit entries to those people actually attending the specific show they are entering for. You do not have to be present for the actual showing of your video, but you must claim your award on site before the end of the weekend or your award will be forfeited. CONTEST SUBMISSIONS MUST BE RECEIVED AT OUR OFFICES BY 40 DAYS PRIOR TO THE OPENING DAY OF THE CONVENTION.
Creation XENA Music Video Contest 2015
217 S. Kenwood
Glendale, CA 91205
Remaining auction items are now available for sale at the convention
on a first-come, first-served basis:
Make sure to be on our FREE XENA fan
EMAIL BULLETIN LIST to get the latest updates.

Please make sure to bring ALL your printed out tickets to the convention as we can not replace any tickets forgotten or lost. This holds true for all ticket-buyers domestic and outside of The United States as we no longer have a will-call or hold ticket desk. Our convention sites generally have a business office where you can print out your tickets if you have left them home by mistake. Once you present your ticket(s) at registration, photo op areas, or autograph sessions they will be scanned for legitimacy and one-time use only. Thanks!
Customer Support E-Mail: ANY problem you have please write to us at:
and we'll look into it and get right back to you. Thanks!
NOTE: You may buy Photo Op and Autograph tickets before buying an Admission ticket, but you need an Admission Ticket in order to use the Photo Op and Autograph tickets. Please buy an Admission ticket as soon as you can as we can never guarantee Admission tickets won't sell out before the show. Join our Free Email list to get updates on ticket availability.
Autograph and Photo Op Tickets do not include admission to the convention. You must have an admission ticket for the convention in order to redeem autograph and photo op tickets.
This option is the most economical way to attend all three days of the convention, offering you a non-reserved seat in the rear of the theatre. You get to see all the guests and attractions at a great price. This option does not include autographs.
Available tickets will be on sale at the convention.
Here is the best way to attend any single day(s) of the convention. You get a reserved seat, yours come and go all day, in the main theatre where you will see all the stars and events of the day. Of course you also have access to the vendors room and the Friday Night Karaoke. You also get to pick out your actual seat when you are ordering! This option does not include autographs or photo ops but, where available, you can pick these up separately below or at the convention.
Available tickets will be on sale at the convention.
Here is the most economical way to attend the convention and see all the daytime guests appearing on the day(s) you have tickets for. Note that you will have a GUARANTEED seat in the theatre. Unlike virtually ANY other fan convention we never sell one more ticket than we have seats for. That “Creation Difference” means EVERYONE, no matter what kind of ticket they have sees the main stars: no worrying, no extra waiting, just the very best vacation we can offer! We also have kept our prices low, particularly when compared to all other forms of live celebrity entertainment: think of concerts that cost far more and they only last a couple of hours: here you get a whole day of entertainment themed to the series that we all love so much!
*We’ve been able to open up a small number of tickets in this category, please hurry!
Available tickets will be on sale at the convention.
Please note that as this is the very last Official XENA Convention we have fans coming from all over the globe which will make it extra fun, but the theatre is strictly limited in size so there is always a possibility of a sell out particularly on Saturday. We do ask that you purchase your tickets as soon as possible to avoid a potential sell out! THANKS!
Autograph and Photo Op Tickets do not include admission to the convention. You must have an admission ticket for the convention in order to redeem autograph and photo op tickets.
NOTE: You may buy Photo Op and Autograph tickets before buying an Admission ticket, but you need an Admission Ticket in order to use the Photo Op and Autograph tickets. Please buy an Admission ticket as soon as you can as we can never guarantee Admission tickets won't sell out before the show. Join our Free Email list to get updates on ticket availability.
Autograph and Photo Op Tickets do not include admission to the convention. You must have an admission ticket for the convention in order to redeem autograph and photo op tickets. Photography is not allowed during the autograph sessions.
Here's the rare chance to get an in-person hand-signed autograph by your favorite celebrity. We do autographing row by row for those that have them included in their packages followed by additional autograph tickets called by number. If autographs are part of your ticket package you can get any additional signatures you've purchased the first time you come up. You must bring an item for the celebrity to sign: you can bring something from home or purchase an officially licensed photograph or souvenir at the convention. The autograph tickets are available in limited supply, please order soon. THANKS!
** Please note that we can not accept "on cell phone" tickets for autograph and photo op sesions so you must print them out at home and bring them to the convention on paper, not your phone. Thank you! We can accept "on cell phone" tickets for admission however.
LUCY LAWLESS $70 -SOLD OUT (Saturday) PLEASE NOTE that Lucy’s autograph is not part of any package and must be purchased separately.
RENEE O'CONNOR $50 -SOLD OUT (Saturday) PLEASE NOTE that Renee’s autograph is not part of any package and must be purchased separately.
ADRIENNE WILKINSON $25 (Sunday) Adrienne is signing on a complimentary basis for Gold and Silver Patrons, others may purchase her autograph.
HUDSON LEICK $25 (Friday) PLEASE NOTE that Hudson’s autograph is not part of any package and must be purchased separately.
DAVID FRANKLIN $30 (ALL THREE DAYS) PLEASE NOTE that David’s autograph is not part of any package and must be purchased separately.
STEVEN L. SEARS STEVEN graciously signs on a complimentary basis for all fans interested in meeting him.
BRITTNEY POWELL $30 (Saturday) Brittney is signing on a complimentary basis for Gold and Silver Patrons, others may purchase her autograph.
PARIS JEFFERSON $20 (Sunday) Paris is signing on a complimentary basis for Gold and Silver Patrons, others may purchase her autograph.
DANIELLE CORMACK $30 (Saturday) Danielle is signing on a complimentary basis for Gold and Silver Patrons, others may purchase her autograph.
CLAIRE STANSFIELD $30 (Saturday) Claire is signing on a complimentary basis for Gold and Silver Patrons, others may purchase her autograph.
VICTORIA PRATT $30 (Tentatively Sunday) PLEASE NOTE that Victoria’s autograph is not part of any package and must be purchased separately.
KATHERINE FUGATE $20 (Saturday) Katherine is signing on a complimentary basis for Gold and Silver Patrons, others may purchase her autograph.
MICHAEL HURST $35 (Sunday) PLEASE NOTE that Michael’s autograph is not part of any package and must be purchased separately.
JENNIFER WARD-LEALAND $30 (Sunday) PLEASE NOTE that Jennifer’s autograph is not part of any package and must be purchased separately.
JACQUELINE KIM $25 (Friday) PLEASE NOTE that Jacqueline’s autograph is not part of any package and must be purchased separately.
MUSETTA VANDER Musetta will be signing at a table in the vendors room for a nominal fee to be paid directly at the table.
ALEXANDRA TYDINGS $30 (Friday) Please note that Alexandra's autograph is not part of any ticket package and must be ordered separately.
Available tickets will be on sale at the convention.
January 30. 2015: We’ve been advised that Tsianina Joelson has to be out of the country during our convention and is unable to attend. Those that have purchased separate Tsianina autograph tickets or photo ops please bring those to the convention registration where you will be given a voucher that is good for any other tickets or merchandise from Creation. Or, if you prefer, you can send those vouchers to Creation, 217 So. Kenwood, Glendale, CA 91205 Attention Ed within one month of the convention to get a refund. For those in Gold packages we will be giving you a pre-signed photo of a Xena celebrity instead of Tsianina Joelson’s autographs. These will be given at registration. Other changes include Jacqueline Kim moving to Friday and performing with her band as part of her on stage appearance, and Adrienne Wilkinson will now appear on Sunday.
Note: Patrons must bring an item for celebrities to sign. You can bring something from home or purchase a photo or other collectible in the vendors room. Please feel free to purchase as many autograph tickets of a particular celebrity as you'd like.
Photo Op Tickets do not include admission to the convention. You must have an admission ticket for the convention to enter into the photo-op areas. Personal photography is not allowed. Due to security considerations and guest concerns we cannot facilitate the giving of gifts to guests at the photo op sessions.
Your photo will be taken by Creation's all knowing and super-powerful official staff photographers. They take the best pictures, make the stars comfortable and willing to pose more freely with fans, and generally are beloved by all. JUST CLICK TO OUR E-MAIL FEEDBACK SECTION TO READ ABOUT HOW GREAT CREATION PHOTO OPS ARE! Please read: PHOTO OP F.A.Q.
** Please note that we can not accept "on cell phone" tickets for autograph and photo op sessions so you must print them out at home and bring them to the convention on paper, not your phone. Thank you! We can accept "on cell phone" tickets for admission however.
Photo ops may be used for PERSONAL USE ONLY. Photo ops may not be used in whole or part, disseminated or distributed for profit or otherwise in any way.
LUCY LAWLESS $139 -SOLD OUT (Saturday)
HUDSON LEICK $45 (Friday)
BRITTNEY POWELL $40 (Saturday)
VICTORIA PRATT $45 (Tentatively Sunday)
MICHAEL HURST $40 (Sunday)
$259-SOLD OUT (Saturday)LUCY LAWLESS and ADRIENNE WILKINSON and YOU! $189 (Saturday) First time ever offered at the convention, limited availability.
LUCY LAWLESS and CLAIRE STANSFIELD and YOU! $199 (Saturday) First time ever offered at the convention, limited availability.
LUCY LAWLESS and JACQUELINE KIM and YOU! $189 (Saturday) First time ever offered at the convention, limited availability.
Available tickets will be on sale at the convention.
January 30. 2015: We’ve been advised that Tsianina Joelson has to be out of the country during our convention and is unable to attend. Those that have purchased separate Tsianina autograph tickets or photo ops please bring those to the convention registration where you will be given a voucher that is good for any other tickets or merchandise from Creation. Or, if you prefer, you can send those vouchers to Creation, 217 So. Kenwood, Glendale, CA 91205 Attention Ed within one month of the convention to get a refund. For those in Gold packages we will be giving you a pre-signed photo of a Xena celebrity instead of Tsianina Joelson’s autographs. These will be given at registration. Other changes include Jacqueline Kim moving to Friday and performing with her band as part of her on stage appearance, and Adrienne Wilkinson will now appear on Sunday.

Burbank Marriott Airport Hotel
2500 N. Hollywood Way
Burbank, California 91505
Come to fabulous Southern California and enjoy all the legendary sites and sounds that have made LA "the place to be" for those who enjoy movies, television and all of show business. Our convention hotel is newly renovated and looking good! Click on through and make your visit to the convention into a full-scale vacation! Escape the cold: LA is waiting for YOU!
As of December 2, 2014 the hotel is sold out on 2/19, 2/20 and 2/21, we have set up a secondary hotel as indicated below.
Courtyard Marriott
2100 Empire Ave.
Burbank, Ca 91504
Good news! Our Xena Overflow hotel, the Courtyard Marriott in Burbank, extended the group rate with a new cut-off date of 1/30/15. So you can book rooms until (nearly) the end of the month at the group rate of $194.
Reservations can only be made over the phone (the web link is expired) by calling 1-888-236-2427 to get the group rate.
Complimentary self parking and internet
Hotel does NOT provide shuttle service between hotel and the convention hotel site.
walking directions:
It is not acceptable, due to studio rules, to sell prints of your artwork of the characters that are owned by the series studios. Also, our venues to do NOT allow the sale of food products as they consider them competitive.

Creation Entertainment Presents:
The Official Xena
THEATRE: Academy Ballroom, Conv. Center
PHOTO OPS: Sunset A/B, Conv. Center
VENDORS: Academy Ballroom Foyer
KARAOKE: Academy Ballroom, Conv. Center
SATURDAY NIGHT SHOW: Academy Ballroom,
Conv. Center
PRIVATE MEET & GREETS: Executive Boardroom,
East Tower
YOGA & DANCE WORKSHOPS: Glendale/Pasadena Ballroom, Hotel Lobby
Thanks for being with us! We really appreciate your visit and want to make sure you have the absolute best time! With that in mind a few rules to keep everyone safe:
1) Photo taking from your seats only, do not rush the stage when guests appear. Please limit flash (which in actuality does not make your photos better unless you are in the first few rows) photography and those with sensitivity to flash please be aware that it does occur in the theatre.
2) PHOTO OPS are done on a first come/first taken basis with any exceptions noted within this schedule, including Backstage VIPs who can go first. PLEASE be on time as they move very quickly and once the photo op session is over, we cannot repeat. “Special poses” are at the discretion of the actors and could be based on flights or other scheduling issues. PHOTO OPS may be picked up in the photo op room when available, but not during a photo op session so we don’t interrupt the photographer. Full information on when photos will be ready for pick up is on a hand-out available in the photo op room. Personal photo-taking is not allowed in the photo op room at any time.
***We try our best to catch excessive light glare on eyeglasses, but it is extremely difficult to detect during the session. Please be advised that we cannot be responsible for glare if you choose to leave your eyeglasses on in your photo.
3) Please have your items for signature out and ready during autograph sessions. Personalizations are at the discretion of the celebrities signing and/or may be affected by guest flights and other scheduling issues. You must bring something to have signed, either something from home or an item purchased on site. Photo-taking of the celebrity guests during autograph sessions is not allowed.
4) Our volunteers are here to help you and we thank them for doing so. However, if you have an issue with ANYONE or ANYTHING please let Adam or Sharon know during the convention so we can solve the problem. We can’t help if you don’t tell us and we’re all easy to find. Just ask!
5) Please sit ONLY in the seat you paid for.
6) At the request of our guests, ABSOLUTELY no video or audio capturing PLEASE!
7) Please turn cell phones off and kindly refrain from talking when theatre is active.
8) ONLY ONE QUESTION MAY BE ASKED TO A CELEBRITY BY A FAN. PLEASE NO PERSONAL STORIES ABOUT YOURSELF, ASKING FOR HUGS, OR TELLING THEM WHY YOU LOVE THEM (that’s why we’re all here!). And please, no BIRTHDAY requests! As you are representing all of us, kindly make your question a good well-thought-out one and perhaps something the guests have not been asked before. Please, if you are on the question line, stand all the way to the side against the wall as to not block the view of others who are seated.
9) During autographs, if you have trouble standing let us know, if you are in a wheelchair or scooter please go with your row or by your number.
10) If you plan on having alcoholic beverages during our party please note that the hotel bartenders will be carding and also PLEASE DRINK RESPONSIBLY. Don’t ruin your convention by overdoing it!
11) We do not recommend buying tickets from anywhere but the Creation website or registration. All scannable tickets are checked and we can only allow the first one that goes through in. After that, copies will come up as previously scanned. As of late, there have been more nice fans being taken advantage of when they buy secondhand tickets: so please be careful as there is nothing we can do to help you if you have a secondhand ticket.
12) As with any ticketed event, we are not responsible for lost or misplaced tickets. We cannot replace autograph or photo op tickets that are purchased at the convention, so PLEASE make sure your tickets are kept in a safe and secure place. THANKS!
13) Please note that all expenditures at the convention for tickets, merchandise, photo ops, etc. will be done in American dollars and will be converted as such on your credit cards. Depending on the rate of exchange at the time your credit card processes, if you are not from America, the price(s) may vary.
14) Creation is dedicated to providing a safe and harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race, age or religion. We firmly believe in the ideals of one of our mentors, Star Trek’s late and beloved creator, Gene Roddenberry. We do not tolerate harassment of any kind from anyone. Patrons violating these rules may be expelled from the convention (without a refund) at Creation’s discretion and hotel security may be called in to facilitate this response. If you have any issues with anyone, please ask to speak to Adam or Sharon immediately. One or more of them is available at each of our conventions and they can be reached through registration or by the convention MC/Host. Issues of this importance should not be handled by our volunteers, as great as they are.
OKAY, THAT’S IT: HAVE FUN! We LOVE to hear feedback: write to asponsor@creationent.com or
Stay in touch at www.creationent.com
BACKSTAGE VIPS: Pick up your credentials at registration and then head on backstage for the fun anytime you like during the daytime convention hours. For all of your personal meetings with the stars, head over to the VINE A Room. Check the VIP schedule for times!
Creation Hosts: Adam Malin
and Sharon Delaney
NOTE: Pre-registration is not a necessity, just a convenience! You will get your credentials, wristband, and program so you won’t have to wait again during convention days. VENDORS ROOM WILL BE OPEN TOO! PRE-REGISTRATION IS ONLY FOR FULL CONVENTION ATTENDEES WITH EITHER GOLD, SILVER, COPPER OR GENERAL ADMISSION WEEKEND PACKAGES.
5:30 pm to 8:30 pm Vendors Room Set-Up
8:30 pm to 11:00 pm Vendors Room open
8:30 pm to 9:15 pm Gold Weekend Pre-Registration
9:15 pm to 9:45 pm Silver Weekend Pre-Registration plus Gold that missed earlier time.
9:45 pm to 10:15 pm Copper Weekend Pre-Registration, plus Gold and Silver that missed earlier time.
10:15 pm to 10:45 pm: General Admission Weekend Patrons Pre-Registration, plus Gold, Silver and Copper that missed earlier time.
10:15 am to 10:30 am Vendors Room Set-Up
10:30 am to 6:30 pm Vendors Room Open
10:15 am to 11:00 am Gold Weekend Registration
11:00 am to 11:30 am Silver Weekend Registration
11:30 am to 11:45 am Copper Weekend Registration
11:45 am to 6:30 pm Registration Open for All
Show and Event Programming
9:00 am to 11:00 am YOGA CLASS with Hudson Leick in the City Ballroom (Pasadena/Glendale - Hotel Main Lobby). Tickets are available at registration or at the door for $119. Limited availability!
***** 12:00 pm to 12:45 pm PRIVATE MEET & GREET with Alexandra Tydings. Sold out! Executive Boardroom, East Tower.
12:30 pm to 6:00 pm Theatre Open
1:00 pm Convention Welcome
1:15 pm Music Video
1:20 pm Steven L. Sears (Co-Exec. Prod/Writer)
2:00 pm Music Video
2:05 pm David Franklin (Brutus)
2:50 pm Music Video
2:55 pm XENA YES/NO TRIVIA GAME! Put that Xena watching to profitable use as 90 players get a chance to win hundreds of dollars in gift certificates!
----- 3:00 pm Photo op with David Franklin, tickets at registration for $40. NOTE: David is also doing photo ops on Saturday and Sunday!
----- 3:10 pm Photo op with Jacqueline Kim, tickets at registration for $45.
3:35 pm Music Video
3:40 pm Jacqueline Kim (Lao Ma)
4:25 pm Music Video
4:30 pm Alexandra Tydings (Aphrodite)
5:20 pm Music Video
5:25 pm Hudson Leick (Callisto)
6:15 pm SPECIAL VIDEO PRESENTATION - Girl Rising: A Peruvian girl named Xena
----- 6:15 pm Photo op with Alexandra Tydings, tickets at registration for $45.
----- 6:45 pm Photo op with Hudson Leick, tickets at registration for $45.
7:00 pm AUTOGRAPHS with David Franklin, Jacqueline Kim, Alexandra Tydings:
In front of the screens, Jacqueline and Alexandra are signing for those with their autograph ticket, which will be called by number, with pre-convention purchased tickets called first. Tickets are available at registration for $25 for Jacqueline and $30 for Alexandra.
In the rear of the Theatre, David is signing for those with his autograph ticket, which will be called by number with pre-convention purchased tickets called first. David’s autograph ticket is available at registration for $30. NOTE: David is also signing on Saturday and Sunday.
7:30 pm AUTOGRAPHS with Hudson Leick:
On the other side of the Theatre, Hudson is signing for those with her autograph ticket, which will be called by number, with pre-convention purchased tickets called first. Hudson’s autograph ticket is available at registration for $25.
9:30 pm
Free to all!
in our Main Theatre!
Be there for the fun! This is a general admission event, no reserved seating as the front rows are removed. SIGN-UPS will be at the party, so come prepared with your song! Celebrity drop-ins are tentative and subject to change.
8:15 am to 8:30 am Vendors room set-up
8:30 am to 7:00 pm Vendors Room open
8:30 am to 7:00 pm Registration Open
----- 9:15 am Photo ops with Brittney Powell, tickets available at registration for $40.
9:30 am Theatre Open
10:00 am Brittney Powell (Brunnhilda)
10:45 am XENA COSTUME CONTEST! Vie for great prizes and audience applause. Contestants just be in the audience 10 minutes prior to start time and you will be called up to the stage! If you have a photo op with Renee, please get your photo op done first in line and then come to the Theatre for the Costume Contest.
----- 10:45 am Photo op with Renee O’Connor, SOLD OUT! If you are in the Costume Contest, you may go first. Please make sure to exchange your computer print out tickets for hard tickets at registration!
----- 11:30 am Photo ops with Lucy Lawless and Adrienne Wilkinson, tickets available at registration for $189.
----- 11:40 am Photo ops with Lucy Lawless and Claire Stansfield, tickets available at registration for $199.
11:45 am Intermission/Stage Reset
11:55 am XENA & GENRE NO-MINIMUM BID AUCTION! The action is fast and furious as some cool items go up for bid: be there for the fun!
----- 11:55 am Photo ops with Claire Stansfield, tickets available at registration for $50.
----- 12:10 pm Photo ops with Danielle Cormack and Claire Stansfield, tickets available at registration for $85.
----- 12:25 pm Photo ops with Danielle Cormack, tickets available at registration for $50.
12:40 pm Music Video
12:45 pm Katherine Fugate (Writer)
1:30 pm Renee O’Connor (Gabrielle)
2:00 pm Lucy Lawless (Xena)
2:30 pm Renee O’Connor (Gabrielle) and Lucy Lawless (Xena) on stage together!
3:00 pm Music Video
----- 3:00 pm Photo ops with Katherine Fugate, tickets available at registration for $40.
3:05 pm FAVORITE EPISODE AND WHY? Let’s discuss our favorite episodes and why they have made an impact!
----- 3:10 pm Photo op with Lucy and Renee! SOLD OUT! Please exchange your computer print out tickets for hard tickets at registration!
3:45 pm Special Presentation: “Artemis: God Complex” preview! After many years, many rewrites, and many used frequent flier miles, Wendy Woody and Tara Chadwick finally present to you...”Artemis: God Complex”! They’ll be showing a sneak peek of the film and thanking their supporters for their help in making the film possible.
4:00 pm Danielle Cormack (Ephiny) and Claire Stansfield (Alti)
4:45 pm Music Video Mix
----- 4:45 pm Photo ops with Lucy Lawless, SOLD OUT! Please make sure to exchange your computer print out tickets for hard tickets at registration!
5:15 pm Music Video Close
----- 5:45 pm Photo op with Musetta Vander, tickets at registration for $40. Please visit Musetta at her table in the Vendors room, where she is selling her autograph and photo ops directly to fans!
5:45 pm AUTOGRAPHS with Lucy Lawless and Renee O’Connor:
On each side of the Theatre, Lucy and Renee are signing for those with their autograph ticket. Tickets will be called by number. Please make sure to exchange your computer print out ticket at registration. Lucy and Renee’s autograph tickets are SOLD OUT!
----- 6:00 pm Photo ops with David Franklin, tickets available at registration for $40. NOTE: David is also doing photo ops on Sunday.
6:15 pm AUTOGRAPHS with David Franklin:
In front of the screen, David is signing for those with his autograph ticket, which will be called by number with pre-convention purchased tickets called first. David’s autograph ticket is available at registration for $30.
6:30 pm AUTOGRAPHS with Danielle Cormack, Katherine Fugate, Brittney Powell and Claire Stansfield:
In the Vendors Area, Danielle, Katherine, Brittney and Claire are signing on a complimentary basis for Gold and Silver Patrons, called row by row, followed by those with their autograph ticket, which will be called by number with pre-convention purchased tickets called first. Autograph tickets are available at registration for $20 for Katherine and $30 each for Brittney, Claire and Danielle. NOTE: Theatre will be closing at 7:30 pm to prepare for Michael’s evening show. As we will not have seating available to wait for your row to be called, please refer to the approximate times below for your autographs with Danielle, Katherine, Brittney and Claire. If you are in Hudson’s dance class, please get your autograph done at 6:00pm.
Gold A: 6:15 pm
Gold B: 6:30 pm
Gold C: 6:45 pm
Gold D: 7:00 pm
Gold E: 7:15 pm
Gold F: 7:30 pm
Gold G: 7:45 pm
Gold H: 8:00 pm
Silver K: 8:10 pm
Silver L: 8:20 pm
Silver M: 8:30 pm
Silver N: 8:40 pm
Silver O: 8:50 pm
PDF Tickets: 9:00 pm
On-site tickets: 9:10 pm
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Dance Class with Hudson Leick in the City Ballroom (Pasadena/Glendale - Hotel Main Lobby). Space is limited! Tickets available at registration or at the door for $119.
----- 7:30 pm Photo op with Lucy Lawless and Jacqueline Kim, tickets available at registration for $189.
Creation Entertainment Presents:
starring Michael Hurst!
Doors open at 10:15pm, Show at 10:30pm
Michael Hurst stars in an adventure in the Shakespearean afterlife, an outrageous and at times profound view into one actor’s attempt at self-destruction. Tights, schizophrenia and blank verse. This presentation is a theatrical piece. Cameras and videotaping are not allowed. Once the play begins, doors will not re-open and you must remain seated until the end of the performance. This performance is complimentary for our Gold and Silver Patrons (you may keep your same seats)! For all others, tickets are available at registration for $50.
SATURDAY LATE EVENING immediately following the
Creation’s Cocktail Party & Centerpiece Contest.
Exclusive to Gold!
Join us for our final trip to the Xena dance floor and centerpiece contest! Celebrity drop-ins are tentative and subject to change.
7:30 am EXCLUSIVE TO GOLD! Continental Breakfast & Charity Silent Auction in Academy 2&3, Convention Center. Celebrity drop-ins are tentative and subject to change.
8:45 am to 9:00 am Vendors Room Set-up
9:00 am to 6:00 pm Vendors Room open
8:30 am to 6:00 pm Registration Open
9:45 am Theatre open for those with separate autograph tickets for Michael Hurst, Jennifer Ward-Lealand and Victoria Pratt.
10:00 am AUTOGRAPHS with Michael Hurst, Jennifer Ward-Lealand and Victoria Pratt:
In the Main Theatre, Michael, Jennifer and Victoria are signing for those with their autograph tickets, which are called by number with pre-convention purchased tickets called first. Autograph tickets are available at registration for $30 each for Jennifer and Victoria and $35 for Michael.
----- 10:15 am Photo ops with David Franklin, tickets available at registration for $40.
10:30 am AUTOGRAPHS with David Franklin:
In the rear of the Theatre, David is signing for those with his autograph tickets, which will be called by number with pre-convention purchased tickets called first. David’s autograph ticket is available at registration for $30.
11:30 am Theatre open for all
12:00 pm Music Video Open
12:05 pm Adrienne Wilkinson (Livia/Eve)
12:50 pm Musetta Vander (Ilainus) and Paris Jefferson (Athena) Please visit Musetta at her table in the Vendors room, where she is selling her autographs and photos directly to fans!
1:40 pm Music Video
1:45 pm STUMP THE EXPERTS! Win prizes by knowing everything about Xena! Just be in the audience to play!
----- 1:50 pm Photo ops with Adrienne Wilkinson, tickets available at registration for $40. If you have a Private Meet & Greet with Victoria Pratt, please go to the front of this line.
***** 2:00 pm to 2:45 pm PRIVATE MEET & GREET with Victoria Pratt. Sold out! Executive Boardroom, East Tower. If you have a photo op with Adrienne Wilkinson, please get your photo op done first and then come to the meet & greet room. If you have a solo and/or duo photo op with Paris Jefferson and/or Musetta Vander, please go to the photo ops room immediately following this meet & greet.
----- 2:10 pm Photo ops with Musetta Vander, tickets available at registration for $40.
----- 2:25 pm Photo ops with Paris Jefferson, tickets available at registration for $40.
----- 2:40 pm Photo ops with Paris Jefferson and Musetta Vander, tickets available at registration for $70.
3:00 pm NO-MINIMUM BID STAGE AUCTION! This is your very last chance to get amazing Xena and genre collectibles!
----- 3:05 pm Photo ops with Jennifer Ward-Lealand, tickets available at registration for $40.
----- 3:15 pm Photo ops with Michael Hurst and Jennifer Ward-Lealand, tickets available at registration for $70.
----- 3:30 pm Photo ops with Michael Hurst, tickets available at registration for $40.
3:45 pm Music Video Mix
4:00 pm Victoria Pratt (Cyane)
4:45 pm Michael Hurst (Iolaus) and Jennifer Ward-Lealand (Bodecia/Zehra)
5:45 pm Music Video Close
----- 5:45 pm Photo ops with Victoria Pratt, tickets available at registration for $45. If you have an autograph with Adrienne and/or Paris, please get this photo op done first and then come to the Theatre for autographs, if applicable.
6:00 pm AUTOGRAPHS with Adrienne Wilkinson and Paris Jefferson:
In the Main Theatre, Adrienne and Paris are signing on a complimentary basis for Gold and Silver Patrons, called row by row, followed by those with their autograph tickets, called by number with pre-convention purchased tickets called first. Autograph tickets are available at registration for $20 for Paris and $25 for Adrienne. If you have a photo op with Victoria Pratt, please get your photo op done first and then come to the Theatre for autographs, if applicable. If your row was already called, you will be placed in line.
Creation Entertainment thanks you, our valued Patrons, for celebrating Xena one last time with us!
All guests and scheduling is tentative and subject to change.

Unless otherwise noted, all materials, including, but not limited to names, logos, images, text, illustrations, designs, icons, photographs, characters, video clips and written and other materials that appear on this site (collectively, the ‘Contents’) are copyrights, trademarks, and/or other intellectual property owned, controlled, or licensed by licensor Universal Pictures one of its affiliates or by third parties who have licensed their materials to Creation Entertainment, and are protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. The website user, may not reuse, reproduce, publish, transmit, distribute, display, modify, create derivative works from, sell or participate in any sale or exploit in any manner, in which or in part, any of the Contents.
We are not responsible for orders that are rejected during processing that may be due to customer errors (usually caused because the customer does not complete the entire ordering process to the very end), credit card failures (usually caused when there is not enough funds in an account or the credit card company rejects the charge for any number of reasons including out of state ordering or unfamiliar ordering to the customers’ general pattern), or system errors during transmission of the order.
Creation assumes no responsibility for typographical errors or inaccurate information provided by convention venues. All dates, venues and guests are considered tentative and subject to change. Check back frequently for updates.
NOTE: ALL TICKETS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE AND NON-EXCHANGEABLE. ABSOLUTELY NO AUDIO OR VIDEOTAPING ALLOWED AT ANY CONVENTION. Still photography is for personal use only - public dissemination and commercial use strictly prohibited.
By attending Creation events you agree to allow your image to be used on our website and in news documentaries or stories, either filmed by Creation Entertainment or other entities.
All ticket prices are subject to change, please order as early as possible.
In the unlikely event of a cancellation of the convention, or a date change, Creation Entertainment is not responsible for refunding airfare or any other costs other than the payments made directly to Creation Entertainment for ticketing. Also in the unlikely event, due to weather, transit issues or last minute illness or other reason given by celebrity, an advertised guest does not make their appearance at the convention, Creation Entertainment is not responsible for any refunds other than separate specific to the guest autograph tickets or photo op tickets. In the extremely rare chance that a guest does not finish his or her autographs or photo ops (which has only happened in a hand full of cases over 40 plus years, always due to something out of our control) Creation Entertainment will only be responsible for the refund of the separate autograph or photo op ticket.
In the extremely rare case (which has never happened before) our computer systems may accept more tickets than we have allotted for. If that should occur we would refund ticket money to the last several people (in order) who did manage to get a confirmation or ticket. As we've said it has never happened but we want to have a fair scenario in place it if does occur.
Flashes occur from phone and cameras often during stage presentations. If you are sensitive to such lighting please be advised to take the necessary cautions.

© Creation Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized duplication of graphics or material appearing in this site is prohibited.
Updated: February 3, 2023